Brickwork jobs in Manchester

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Brickwork Jobs in Manchester (completed jobs only)

Gabriel end
Brickwork job 4 miles from Manchester in Bolton
Build 4 gable ends
Large wall removing
Brickwork job in Manchester
Large garden wall has collapsed so needs knocking down, making safe and removing
Fix/rebuild garden wall
Brickwork job in Manchester
We have a garden wall that needs fixing/rebuilding and raising up to approximately 5ft from 3ft, it is 12.3m long.
rebuild leaning front garden wall
Brickwork job 2 miles from Manchester in Swinton
front garden wall leaning badly... need a quote at this stage so we can save towards it being our next big house job
Rebuild damaged garden wall
Brickwork job 4 miles from Manchester in Atherton
Garden wall has been affected by tree roots- tree now removed but wall needs either repairing or possibly replacing
Outside doorway brick up
Brickwork job 3 miles from Manchester in Eccles
Closed off outside door needs bricking up outside only and a few missing bricks on wall replacing
take down garden wall and gate post and rebuild
Brickwork job 4 miles from Manchester in Bolton
wall hit by car and needs to be taken down and rebuilt with same bricks as they are not damaged and gate replaced
Build a garden wall approx. 7m x 1m high
Brickwork job 8 miles from Manchester in Wigan
Remove old steps and build a wall in front of the conservatory and include a new set of steps. The wall will support a flag walkway in front of the conservatory and the steps go down into the garden.
2ft high brick wall ×40ft
Brickwork job 7 miles from Manchester in Bury
Build a wall on top of kitchen wall for to put fencing up
Build existing pillars higher and add a new complete pillar
Brickwork job 8 miles from Manchester in Wigan
No additional work
Raised curved flower bed
Brickwork job in Manchester
Terraced property with small front garden need curved wall behind existing wall to form raised flower bed
Rebuild back door step
Brickwork job in Manchester
Step at back door needs knocking out and rebuilding to make it safe for an elderly couple. May need a hand rail installing too if possible
Front garden wall repair/possible rebuild
Brickwork job 7 miles from Manchester in Sale
Front garden brickwork damaged due to cellar conversion work. Not sure whether to repair or rebuild; depends on cost.
reparge area of ext. wall area about 2ft x 3ft
Brickwork job 7 miles from Manchester in Bury
A chunk of parging has come off the house. It has painted brick about 3 bricks high, with white stucco parging on top. It's a area about 2' x 3' once other loose stuff is removed.
Top back bedrooms need lintels above windows fitting
Brickwork job 6 miles from Manchester in Bolton
Bathroom and bedroom top windows need lintels fitting as they don’t have any and the brickwork is resting on the window frames
Repair damaged house wall
Brickwork job 8 miles from Manchester in Golborne
Vehicle reversed into front of house wall causing inward bulge of brickwork damage. The damaged area is approximately 4 foot by 2 foot - small job
Outside barbecue
Brickwork job 5 miles from Manchester in Bolton
To rebuild a brick barbecue
Had a new porch and now the step needs sorting.
Brickwork job 8 miles from Manchester in Golborne
I had a new porch and now the step needs sorting. It is now in the wrong position so we have an improvised brick step. It needs rebuilding or just making more presentable. A small job I think.
make existing small wall higher
Brickwork job in Manchester
wall between 2 front garden paths needs to be made higher, wall is about 20-22ft long topped with coping stones but we would prefer a brick finish. dog leg kink in wall near the front doors, ex council house.
Rain water coming in through brickwork to internal wall, think it's just above the lintel in front room that needs sealing & pointing. Upstairs rooms/walls ok so thats what makes me think it's not guttering related.