Repeated condensation in window panes after replacement

We have a large three panes wooden framed window of approx 25 years of age ,we have replaced panes 4 times because they have misted. Should the whole window be replaced?

9 Answers

FRS ltd
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Definitely no
17th Feb 2020
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Carpentry and Glazing Services
3 Reviews, 100% Positive
The whole window shouldn't need replacing, check that the glass panes have been set on packers (to lift it off the base), and ensures no damp or water is effecting the glass seal. or alternatively you may need to check the stain or paint used on the frame is suitable, as some finishes have been known effect the glass seal.
Good luck, Stephen
8th Mar 2020
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RB Windows
1 Reviews, 100% Positive
probably by now and if they keep causing glass to break down
13th Jun 2020
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0 Reviews
If the wooden frame is not rotten then it's the glass unfortunately sealed units in wooden frames have a shorter life mainly due to the spacer between the panes of glass
28th May 2020
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Seems like the glass has been installed with a silicone ( most non glaziers do this ).
The silicone will brake down the rubber seal holding the glass units together.
13th Jul 2020
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Dear Homeowner
Its more than likely that your frames need replacing because the new double glazing these days create a very tight seal against air and moisture entering in and around the unit which could be causing your misty windows.
Another problem is that some fitters will use silicone products to secure the glazing to the frames and this could cause a chemical reaction between the sealed unit and silicones again causing the glazed unit to fail and cause misting. And finally condensation could be an issue in your property in terms of ventilation and insulation and especially if windows that are misting are in the kitchen or bathroom or even if you dry cloths on radiators etc.
Hope that helps
Alan from C&A Propertycare
6th Jun 2020
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I would recommend you replace the window
15th Nov 2022
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Dear Sir

There may be few potential reasons why condensation persist on the windows. Energy Efficient window will be option, but during replacement cavity needs checking and repaired if needed.

Kind regards
3rd Apr 2023
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0 Reviews
Yes, it will most likely be the coldest part of the house. Changing from wood to either PVC or Aluminium will help. But you will most likely also need a dehumidifier to clear the air.
4th Jul 2023
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