cost to drop kerb

Could you provide an indication of cost to extend our neighbours' dropped curb. 3 flats and just 1 side slope needed. We're in Poole, Dorset if that makes any difference.

5 Answers

Balmoral contractors limited
3 Reviews, 100% Positive
You are best to check with your local council because different councils have different prices so always better to check first before doing anything regards balmoral contractors Ltd
16th Jan 2017
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It depends on the area and if there are gas covers ,water covers lamp post etc you need to send photos for a better accurate price
31st Jan 2017
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Is this a drop kerb on the pavement? You have to be careful as you may need permission from your local council for this.
27th Apr 2017
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Roman paving
25 Reviews, 100% Positive
17th Sep 2017
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Only council can do this
11th Sep 2018
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