Brickwork jobs in Selby

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Brickwork Jobs in Selby (completed jobs only)

Following replacement of through the wall oil boiler there is a gap in my wall which needs put right on both sides .
Remove 4ft drive bruck pillar and rebuild 3ft to the right.
Brickwork job 12 miles from Selby in Castleford
As short description
Brick up a window
Brickwork job 12 miles from Selby in Thorne
To brick up a window
replace small front Garden wall and add fencing to the walls
Brickwork job 18 miles from Selby in Leeds
The Small front wall Taking down and rebuilding in Red Engineering Brick . We will require a timber fence which you cannot see through around the perimeter of the front wall and side walls.
Installation of a new lintel over an existing external door
Brickwork job 13 miles from Selby in York
A new lintel is required to be fitted over an existing external door before a new door can be fitted.
Loose bricks in wall
Brickwork job 12 miles from Selby in Pontefract
Loose bricks in extension wall
Rebuild part wall
Brickwork job 19 miles from Selby in Doncaster
Rebuild part of wall, damaged by neighbours car All debris has been removed
build steps up to front door
Brickwork job 20 miles from Selby in Wakefield
Two steep,narrow door steps to he replaced by three more shallow brick- built steps up to front of house
Rebuild garden wall
Brickwork job 42 miles from Selby in Newark
Repair garden wall, cars hit it and knocked it over, it hasn't smashed it to pieces, it's in one big lump that could be reset back into position
Rebuild garden wall
Brickwork job 47 miles from Selby in Newark
An old stone and brick wall needs repair and shoring up. Some stone has blown out making it unstable
Make good a garden wall. New wall built but left unfinished
Brickwork job 24 miles from Selby in Leeds
I had a front garden wall built but the builder wasn’t reliable and the wall is not what I wanted. What is done is fine but it needs making higher . I have the materials which were left but really need someone reliable who can advise me on the best way to finish the wall and make it look good.
rebuild a wall
Brickwork job 21 miles from Selby in Goldthorpe
Need a back wall built after a van hit my wall and drove off - can't open my gates
Rebuild garden steps
Brickwork job 45 miles from Selby in Stalybridge
Rebuild steps in back garden and steps at side of house but with a slight change of layout.
Rebuild top front of garage wall, approx. 10 x 3ft
Brickwork job 24 miles from Selby in Barnsley
Top front of garage wall is crumbling, needs rebuilding, plus some re pointing of same wall, approx 35 bricks. ASAP.
Build retaining garden wall
Brickwork job 24 miles from Selby in Barnsley
Build 2ft high 60 ft long retaining wall at bottom of sloping back garden
remove bricks and fit case for gas meter to be moved outside
Brickwork job 25 miles from Selby in Barnsley
my elderly mum is having her gas meeter put outside and we need to bricks removing and the outcase for the gas meter to fit in ready for when Cadent then move the meter from inside to outside
remove small leylandii and small wall
Brickwork job 25 miles from Selby in Pudsey
Remove about 8 2.5m leylandii Remove 1m x 8m brick wall Re-lay 8m x 1m size patch of blocks to slightly lower level
Fit a new window in garage and filling brickwork
Brickwork job 30 miles from Selby in Huddersfield
Fit a new window in a brick garage.and some filling brick for the surroundings and fit new garage gutter
Clean guttering and repointing
Brickwork job 27 miles from Selby in Bradford
Gutter needs clearing and there is an area of approx 1.5m beneath that needs repointing.
Brickwork job 22 miles from Selby in Leeds
Repair/replace external yard wall